Interactive world map

Interactive world map


This interactive, marine-themed world map allows guests to see up to 18 different data layers. Layers range from marine traffic  – position of ships – to climate data like sea surface temperature and wind velocity. Controlling the application is done via a touchscreen, where pressing on icons toggles layers on and off. Some layers display realtime data, such as marine and air traffic.

Our Participation

  • implementation of the design
  • programming the application
  • OS installation and configuration for kiosk mode (timed and automated restarts etc)

Technical info

The application consists of control panel screen and word map screen. On control panel screen, guests can turn visible layers on and off, change the position of info bar and change language. On world map screen, the visuals reflect what guests choose to do on the control panel .

  • OS: Win10
  • language/framework: web technologies


[rev_slider alias=”ahhaa_marina”][/rev_slider]

  • Date : 09/2018
  • Client : Science Centre Ahhaa