Multimedia applications in Vabamu, Museum of Occupations and Freedom


With a major rebranding, Estonian Museum of Occupations and Freedom got a new name – Vabamu. This was not the only thing to change. There was also a significant shift in curatorial content. Now, a visitor may help themselves to a digital tour around the museum accompanied by an audio guide in their smart device, read about memorials of occupation on an interactive map or take a quiz to find out the kind of constitution they would devise.

In collaboration with our client, we helped in developing interactive applications for touch-capable screens. Among some dozen exhibits, some of were:

  • map applications
  • galleries
  • media players integrated with audio guide
  • interative multiple-choice games

Our participation

  • implementation of design in collaboration with the client
  • programming the applications
  • programming the admin interface, tutoring its use.
  • on-site application installation, customizing for kiosk compatibility
  • collaboration with the operation system admins

Technical info

A chrome browser is running the application in kiosk mode. It is displaying page that could have multiple views. One page will stay on the same url even when navigating views or changing language, meaning there will be no page reloading for a smoother user experience. All of the pages are connected with one CMS. That way all of our programmed applications in the museum can be edited from one admin panel.

  • OS: Win10
  • language/framework: html/php/js, wordpress, AHK


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