Phobiabox in Science Centre Ahhaa

Phobiabox in Science Centre Ahhaa


As a part of Phobia exhibition in Science Centre Ahhaa, we created

Ahhaa hirmude teemalise näituse raames lõime “hirmukasti”. Tegemist on suure prügikonteineriga, millesse kätt sissepannes näed, kuidas putukad, ämblikud, ussid ja rotid üle su käe siblavad. Õudne, mis? Tegemist pole siiski päris elukatega, vaid animeeritud 3d mudelitega, mis augmenteeritud reaalsuses su käe peale satuvad. Hea viis oma hirmude ületamiseks!

Our participation

  • programming the application
  • quiz content

Technical info

The application is programmed in standard web technologies in two variations:

  1. capable of being shown as a kiosk application in a public area
  2. fully responsive and cross-browser compatible webpage

Logically, this is a standard timed quiz with a leaderboard, ie ability to insert your name if you choose to.

  • OS: Win10
  • language/framework: javascript, html, css, php / wordpress


[rev_slider alias=”ahhaa_fearquiz”][/rev_slider]